Saturday, May 5, 2012

May 5, 2012 Charlotte, Vermont

I love all of the covered bridges in Vermont.  This one is located in Charlotte.


This was a tough shot for me because this little bird was quite a distance away and I only have a 55-250mm lens.  I cropped them, but wish I was able to get true close-up shots.  

I love exploring ways to bring something into focus and blurring the background.  This little dandelion seemed like such a good subject for that.

These next two shots are my favorites of the day.  I love the shimmering water against the lush green backdrop.  The water appears to be "overexposed" and I did do some highlighting in Picasa.  In general I am thrilled with how they came out, but I need to learn to use my post processing software in a way that truly enhances the photos I take. 

This little guy was way too far away to do much but I loved the background and the contrast between his coloring and the field.  
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